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Image by David Henderson

About us



Lowndes Partners takes a comprehensive approach that covers investment, legal and tax decisions, family governance structures and philanthropic activities to grow and improve family wealth. From helping with trust selection to choosing fund managers, we offer unbiased and independent guidance to carry out our clients' strategies. We are proud of our ability to address complex issues and provide quick and transparent solutions. Our partnership model is built on shared responsibility and thorough risk assessment. Our competitive edge comes from our choice of flexible and speedy partners, which can make the difference between success and failure in any market.

We have immersed our team in key markets, allowing us to operate locally on a global scale. This "bottom up" approach helps us nurture local teams, leveraging their knowledge and relationships to create a company culture deeply invested in the success of our ventures. We value and embrace cultural diversity across the geographies we work in, seeing it as an asset

that enhances our service to end-users. Integrity, diligence and responsibility are the cornerstones of our business.

Image by Raul Varzar

A global business

The diversity of our interest means that we understand intrinsically the various markets we operate in and the synergies between them.

We started with a simple goal, to reshape the paradigm of partnership and client relations. Our genesis wasn't merely about forging a new business; it was about pioneering a novel approach to collaboration and trust.


Rooted in the traditions of diligence and foresight, yet always looking forward to the horizons of innovation, Lowndes Partners embarked on its journey. As we delve into our story, we pay homage to the origins that molded our ethos and set the stage for our future.

A singular
global partnership

Lowndes Partners delivers strategic insights and precision-driven tactical recommendations, coupled with superior execution for entrepreneurs, families, financial sponsors, corporations and public entities. We extend investment expertise across results-focused financial solutions.

Where to find us


Lowndes Partners Group is an international firm with deep roots in the esteemed traditions of European banking and wealth management. While our headquarters are situated in London, we boast affiliate offices in major financial centers around the world. Our clientele encompass both developed and emerging markets. Our global footprint extends through our affiliates in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and the Americas.

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Image by Jared Arango

How can we help ? 

We pride ourselves on our commitment to delivering exceptional services and building lasting partnerships with our clients. With a wealth of experience and a dedicated team, we are here to help you achieve your business goals. If you are ready to explore how we can assist you, please connect with us. Let's see how we can help and embark on a journey towards success together.

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